Saturday, December 31, 2011

Theme Day - Photo of the Year 2011

A favorite image because it comes close to what I had hoped to capture that day. It was taken in the corn fields around the Platte River near Kearney, Nebraska where migrating Sandhill Cranes make a stopover every spring on their way north to Canada and Alaska. As all of us who enjoy photography know, lots of patience and a little luck are everything for getting decent shots in nature. So the challenge of getting close enough to the cranes while working the moon into the frame finally came together for a good picture or, at least, one that I liked.
View the best photos of the year 2011 from City Daily Photo bloggers around the world.

Best wishes to everyone for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

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Julie said...

It is quite exceptional, Raf. To have him outstretched like that, with space in the frame for him to move ... I drool for such patience and such timing.

May I wish you the best of good things for the coming year, Raf. Good health. Lots of laughter. Lots of happiness.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Fantastic shot, it´s a great choice to this theme day. Happy New Year!

Tamera said...

It's beautiful! How you managed to capture the magnificent bird AND the moon in the frame all at once -- bravo!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This is a fabulous shot, it's not that easy getting birds in the frame at the best of times when they're in flight, this composition is exquisite, well done Raf, wish I'd taken it haha!

Kate said...

This is indeed exceptional, and I admire both your patience and your skill. We just drove through Kearney on our way to Santa Fe, but I didn't see anything like this!! Wonderful! Enjoy 2012!

Pat said...

Wow! Stunning photo!

Happy New Year!

MurciaDailyPhoto said...

Maybe I'd had to follow this bird to avoid a bad year in Spain. Happy New Year! in spite of all.

Dyanna said...

Fantastic photo!


slim said...

This is a stunner! I am so glad you chose it for Theme Day. Happy new year!

Brian King said...

That is a fantastic shot, Raf! Nicely done!

Unknown said...

Really interesting shot!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful shot of the crane in flight!

TexWisGirl said...

wow! talk about perfect timing and patience!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, very nice. Looks too good to be true and with photoshop and all these days who would know? That would be my shot of the year also. Well done.

Carole M. said...

..oh YES, patience. Well done; great capture!

Modesto Viegas said...

Great shot. Well done!!!

holdingmoments said...

A well timed shot.

Pat Ulrich said...

This is really beautiful with the moon -- wonderful shot!

joo said...

It's simply awesome!

NatureFootstep said...

certainly a great shot of a bird I never seen. Looks good where it is closed to the moon.

Arija said...

A beautiful shot indeed, like something out od=f a Japanese fairy tale with the crane overflying the moon.

Hilke Breder said...

Fantastic capture!

Nancy said...

Congratulations, Raf. I wonder if those cranes ever really left Kearney, with the weather we've been having. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by -- So few Nebraska photobloggers, it seems.

Tash said...

Absolutely spectacular!

Springman said...

I see quite a story in this heavenly picture. The moons effect on live on this planet is remarkable. Some say there would be no life on Earth without it. It surly adds a cosmic element to your engaging photo. Wonderful!
Happy New Year!

Larry said...

A truly awesome photo RAF! I imagine that quite a bit of patience and persistence was used in obtaining that photograph of one of my favorite birds on the planet. Seeing this image I can hear the Sandhill Cranes flying over with their prehistoric calls filling the air. Thank God they don't hunt these beautiful creatures in your state.