Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Home, Sweet Home

A worn and weathered bluebird nesting box stands 
 in an open field awaiting new arrivals.


W drodze... said...

Wow! Great shots :) I'm happy that I found your blog :)Thank you for so many impressions :)

Roger Owen Green said...

still homey, tho homely.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Great textures. I hope you get some photos of the new arrivals.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photo with rich texture and much living ~ great post for H ^_^

Kate said...

Lovely texture and color. Hope it continues to provide good quarters for our feathered friends.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The bluebirds return year after year and what a treat to see that perfect shade of blue. We have a few boxes that look to be of the same vintage. Nice shot.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Any port in a storm hey Raf. Actually I hear that the 'shabby chic' look is very popular right now haha!.

Ann said...

Oh I love your weathered blue bird home!! Hubby is making some now but they just look too new--need to get them outside.


Anonymous said...

Some things just look better when they're worn in, like jeans and bird houses. It's a lovely shot.