Tuesday, September 24, 2013


the afternoon pause,
a hot cup of joe (or tea),
sure bets to refresh


Roger Owen Green said...

ROG. ABC Wednesday team

mrsnesbitt said...

A cup of tea - so very English! Here's raising one to you Raf! Happy Wednesday. Denise (ABC Team)

Hildred said...

Tea, of course. And I had thought of coffee in Omaha....

Leslie: said...

Love the perspective in black and white.

abcw team

ChrisJ said...

Mmm! Just had one. It was good!

Jama said...

I don't drink coffee, so I settled for tea please.

Reader Wil said...

I am a coffee person in the morning and a tea person in the evening! Thanks for the visit!

Hilda said...

Herbal tea for me, please. (But I sooo miss the taste of coffee!)

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!