Sunday, April 1, 2018

Shades of Chocolate

The CDP Theme Day for April is One Color.

A visit to a new sweet shop in the Old Market called, Chocolat Abeille.
reveals a world of delightful creative variations on chocolate!

Linked to: City Daily Photo


Jim said...


AsAeenBySusan said...

I like your take on the theme, "Shade of Chocolate." Perfect for a day in which much chocolate will be eaten.

BarbRad said...

You can't miss with chocolate no matter what the theme, but this certainly does fit the one color theme. Now if I could just make that picture real!

Tanya Breese said...

ohhhhh you had me at chocolate!! love this take on the theme!

Small City Scenes said...

Raf where have you been??? You think you can just pop in after 2 or 3 years?? Well as long as you bring chocolate I guess you can. LOL
So how are you and where are you?

raf said...

All goes well here on the Great Plains, MaryBeth, but will always miss Washington. You still cover it beautifully on your blogs and I will always bring chocolate for you. Have been unplugged a lot the past few years, just by choice, getting on with life. Good to be back online, too!

William Kendall said...

I'd try one of everything.

Maybe two.